FramePro™ provides protection for internal framing against fungal decay and insect attack.
FramePro™ is an effective interior boron based timber preservatives intended to provide resistance to fungal decay and insect attack in Hazard Class H1.1, H1.2 and H3.1 as described in NZS3640.
The preservative formulation is applied to dry timber using a controlled vacuum pressure process in an industrial timber treatment plant that ensures deep penetration.
The process will normally add 4 to 5% to the wood moisture content, and will result in a minor amount of dimensional change, both of which will reverse as the wood returns to equilibrium moisture content.
Treatment with FramePro™ has been shown to have no significant effect on the mechanical properties of timber.
The preservative is water-based and contains boron salts and benzalkonium chloride as active ingredients. It also contains monoethylene glycol as the solvent.
Boron-based preservatives have been used to protect house framing for more than 50 years in New Zealand; in that time they have proven to be safe when used as recommended and a long lasting means of conferring durability.
In addition to the above, a red marker dye is added to colour the wood a pink-red colour as required by NZS3640.