
Protim® Micro

Protim® Micro is an exciting new development for LOSP treatment. Protim® Micro is a solvent based formulation using the highly effective and widely used actives copper and tebuconazole.

Protim® Micro is ideal for use in outdoor structural applications including decking structures, bearers, joists, and wherever long-term peace of mind counts.

Protim® Micro provides the long-term protection traditionally associated with waterborne preservatives in a solvent system that provides the benefits of LOSP treatment with no need for kiln drying after treatment and leaves the timber with minimal dimensional change and moisture increases.

Protim® Micro is backed by a 50 year warranty and is approved for H3, H4 and H5 as defined in AS/NZS1604.1:2021.Structural use in H3.2 situations in New Zealand is subject to specific Codemark certification.

PROTIM® Micro Product Brochure


Important Information: Projects should be designed, approved and installed in accordance with federal, state and local regulations governing construction in your area.

Active Ingredients: Protim Micro is a solvent based formulation using copper and tebuconazole.